Star Wars Animated Wiki
Author E.K. Johnston
Published on October 11,2016
Published by Disney-Lucasfilm Press
Main Characters Ahsoka Tano
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Ahsoka is a Star Wars novel about Ahsoka Tano's life after Order 66 and before she became Fulcrum.


Ahsoka Tano, once a loyal Jedi apprentice to Anakin Skywalker, planned to spend her life serving the Jedi Order. But after a heartbreaking betrayal, she turned her back on the order to forge her own path, knowing Anakin and the other Jedi would still be there for her should she ever need them.

Then the Emperor took over the galaxy, and the Jedi were ruthlessly murdered. Burdened with grief and guilt, Ahsoka is now truly on her own, unsure she can be part of something larger ever again. She takes refuge on the remote farming moon Raada, where she befriends a young women named Kaeden and begins to carve out a life for herself. But Ahsoka cannot escape her past or the reach of the Empire. When Imperial forces occupy Raada, she must decide whether to become involved even if it means exposing her Jedi past. Her choices will have devastating effects for those around her.......and lead her to a new hope for the galaxy.

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