Star Wars Animated Wiki
Kit Fisto
Kit Fisto
Master Yoda
Rank Jedi Master/General
Padawan Nahdar Vebb
Species Nautolan

Kit Fisto was a Jedi Master on the Jedi Council durring the Clone Wars.

Grevious' Lair[]

Temple Hiest[]

Invaders On The Medical Station[]

Battle Of Lola Sayu[]

Battle Of Mon Cala[]


Kit Fisto was killed by darth sidious in the cancellor's office with Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar. Fisto was killed when sidious fought windu and fisto then Sidious struck him down in a quick and final blow to the stomach.

Kit Fisto's Death

Kit Fitso's Death at Sidious' hand in Yoda's Vision
